
2.2.5 (9-21-16)


  • msm: fixed setting of ‘reversible’ attribute. #935

2.2.4 (9-20-16)

New features:

  • plots: network plots can now be plotted using a given Axes object.
  • thermo: TRAM supports the new parameter equilibrium which triggers a TRAMMBAR estimation.
  • thermo: the model_active_set and msm_active_set attributes in estimated MEMMs is deprecated; every MSM in models now contains its own active_set.
  • thermo: WHAM and MBAR estimations return MultiThermModel objects; return of MEMMs is reserved for TRAM/TRAMMBAR/DTRAM estimations.


  • coordinates: MiniBatchKmeans with MD-data is now memory efficient and successfully converges. It used to only one batch during iteration. #887 #890
  • coordinates: source and load function accept mdtraj.Trajectory objects to extract topology. #922. Thanks @jeiros
  • base: fix progress bars for modern joblib versions.
  • plots: fix regression in plot_markov_model with newer NumPy versions #907. Thanks @ghoti687.
  • estimation: for n_jobs=1 no multi-processing is used.
  • msm: scale transition path times by time unit of MSM object in order to get physical time scales. #929

2.2.3 (7-28-16)

New features:

  • thermo: added MBAR estimation


  • coordinates: In case a configuration directory has not been created yet, the LRU cache of the TrajInfo database was failed to be created. #882

2.2.2 (7-14-16)

New features:

  • coordinates: SQLite backend for trajectory info data. This enables fast access to this data on parallel filesystems where multiple processes are writing to the database. This greatly speeds ups reader construction and enables fast random access for formats which usually do not support it. #798
  • plots: new optional parameter arrow_label_size for network plotting functions to use a custom font size for the arrow labels; the default state and arrow label sizes are now determined by the matplotlib default. #858
  • coordinates: save_trajs takes optional parameter “image_molecules” to correct for broken molecules across periodic boundary conditions. #841


  • coordinates: set chunksize correctly. #846
  • coordinates: For angle features it was possible to use both cossin=True and deg=True, which makes not sense. #857
  • coordinates: fixed a memory error in kmeans clustering which affected large data sets (>=64GB). #839
  • base: fixed a bug in ProgressReporter (_progress_force_finish in stack trace). #869
  • docs: fixed a lot of docstrings for inherited classes both in coordinates and msm package.

2.2.1 (6-21-16)


  • clustering: fixed serious bug in minRMSD distance calculation, which led to lots of empty clusters. The bug was introduced in version 2.1. If you used this metric, please re-assign your trajectories. #825
  • clustering: fixed KMeans with minRMSD metric. #814
  • thermo: made estimate_umbrella_sampling more robust w.r.t. input and fixed doumentation. #812 #827
  • msm: low-level api usage deprecation warnings only show up when actually used.

2.2 (5-17-16)

New features:

  • thermo: added TRAM estimation.
  • thermo: added plotting feature for implied timescales.
  • thermo: added Jupyter notebook examples: Jupyter Notebook Tutorials.
  • thermo: show convergence progress during estimation.


  • clustering: fix parallel cluster assignment with minRMSD metric.
  • base: during estimation the model was accessed in an inappropriate way, which led to the crash “AttributeError: object has no attribute ‘_model’” #764.
  • fixed a bug when trying to pyemma.coordinates.load certain MD formats. The iterator could have returned None in some cases #790.
  • coordiantes.save_traj(s): use new backend introduced in 2.1, speed up for non random accessible trajectory formats like XTC. Avoids reading trajectory info for files not being indexed by the input mapping. Fixes #788.

2.1.1 (4-18-2016)

Service release. Fixes some

New features:

  • clustering: parallelized clustering assignment. Especially useful for expensive to compute metrics like minimum RMSD. Clustering objects now a n_jobs attribute to set the desired number of threads. For a high job number one should use a considerable high chunk size as well.

Fixes: - In parallel environments (clusters with shared filesystem) there will be no

crashes due to the config module, which tried to write files in users home directory. Config files are optional by now.

2.1 (3-29-2016)

New features:

  • thermo package: calculate thermodynamic and kinetic quantities from multi-ensemble data

    • Added estimators (WHAM, DTRAM) for multi-ensemble MD data.
    • Added API functions to handle umbrella sampling and multi-temperature MD data.
  • msm/hmsm:

    • Maximum likelihood estimation can deal with disconnected hidden transition matrices. The desired connectivity is selected only at the end of the estimation (optionally), or a posteriori.
    • Much more robust estimation of initial Hidden Markov model.
    • Added option stationary that controls whether input data is assumed to be sampled from the stationary distribution (and then the initial HMM distribution is taken as the stationary distribution of the hidden transition matrix), or not (then it’s independently estimated using the EM standard approach). Default: stationary=False. This changes the default behaviour w.r.t. the previous version, but in a good way: Now the maximum-likelihood estimator always converges. Unfortunately that also means it is much slower compared to previous versions which stopped without proper convergence.
    • Hidden connectivity: By default delivers a HMM with the full hidden transition matrix, that may be disconnected. This changes the default behaviour w.r.t. the previous version. Set connectivity=’largest’ or connectivity=’populous’ to focus the model on the largest or most populous connected set of hidden states
    • Provides a way to measure connectivity in HMM transition matrices: A transition only counts as real if the hidden count matrix element is larger than mincount_connectivity (by default 1 over the number of hidden states). This seems to be a much more robust metric of real connectivity than MSM count matrix connectivity.
    • Observable set: If HMMs are used for MSM coarse-graining, the MSM active set will become the observed set (as before). If a HMM is estimated directly, by default will focus on the nonempty set (states with nonzero counts in the lagged trajectories). Optionally can also use the full set labels - in this case no indexing or relabelling with respect to the original clustered data is needed.
    • Hidden Markov Model provides estimator results (Viterbi hidden trajectories, convergence information, hidden count matrix). Fixes #528
    • BayesianHMSM object now accepts Dirichlet priors for transition matrix and initial distribution. Fixes #640 (general, not only for HMMs) by allowing estimates at individual lag times to fail in an ImpliedTimescales run (reported as Warnings).
  • coordinates: - Completly re-designed class hierachy (user-code/API unaffected). - Added trajectory info cache to avoid re-computing lengths, dimensions and

    byte offsets of data sets.

    • Random access strategies supported (eg. via slices).
    • FeatureReader supports random access for XTC and TRR (in conjunction with mdtraj-1.6).
    • Re-design API to support scikit-learn interface (fit, transform).
    • Pipeline elements (former Transformer class) now uses iterator pattern to obtain data and therefore supports now pipeline trees.
    • pipeline elements support writing their output to csv files.
    • TICA/PCA uses covartools to estimate covariance matrices. - This now saves one pass over the data set. - Supports sparsification data on the fly.


  • HMM Chapman Kolmogorov test for large datasets #636.
  • Progressbars now auto-hide, when work is done.

2.0.4 (2-9-2016)

Patch release to address DeprecationWarning flood in conjunction with Jupyther notebook.

2.0.3 (1-29-2016)

New features:

  • msm: added keyword “count_mode” to estimate_markov_model, to specify the way of counting during creation of a count matrix. It defaults to the same behaviour like prior versions (sliding window). New options:

    • ‘effective’: Uses an estimate of the transition counts that are

      statistically uncorrelated. Recommended when used with a Bayesian MSM.

    • ‘sample’: A trajectory of length T will have T/tau counts at time indices

      0 -> tau, tau -> 2 tau, ..., T/tau - 1 -> T

  • msm: added possibility to constrain the stationary distribution for BayesianMSM

  • coordinates: added “periodic” keyword to features in Featurizer to indicate a unit cell with periodic boundary conditions.

  • coordinates: added “count_contacts” keyword to Featurizer.add_contacts() method to count formed contacts instead of dimension of all possible contacts.

  • logging: pyemma.log file will be rotated after reaching a size of 1 MB


  • logging: do not replace existing loggers anymore. Use hierarchical logging (all loggers “derive” from ‘pyemma’ logger. So log levels etc. can be manipulated by changing this new ‘pyemma’ root logger.
  • some deprecation warnings have been fixed (IPython and Python-3.5 related).

2.0.2 (11-9-2015)

New features:

  • coordinates: added Sparsifier, which detects constant features in data stream and removes them for further processing.
  • coordinates: cache lengths of NumPy arrays
  • coordinates: clustering.interface new methods index_clusters and sample_indexes_by_cluster
  • coordinates: featurizer.add_contacts has new threshold value of .3 nm
  • coordinates: featurizer.pairs gets opt arg excluded_neighbors (default (=0) is unchanged)
  • coordinates: featurizer.describe uses resSeq instead of residue.index
  • plots: network plots gets new arg state_labels, arg state_colors extended, textkwargs added
  • plots: timescale plot accepts different units for x,y axes
  • logging: full-feature access to Python logging system (edit logging.yml in .pyemma dir)


  • Upon import no deprecation warning (about acf function) is shown.
  • coordinates: chunksize attribute moved to readers (no consequence for user-scripts)
  • coordinates: fixed bug in parallel evaluation of Estimators, when they have active loggers.
  • documentation fixes

2.0.1 (9-3-2015)

Urgent bug fix: reading other formats than XTC was not possible in coordinates pipeline. This bug has been introduced into 2.0, prior versions were not affected.

2.0 (9-1-2015)

2.0 is a major release offering several new features and a major internal reorganization of the code.

New features:

  • coordinates: Featurizer new features: ResidueMinDistanceFeature and GroupMinDistanceFeature.
  • coordinates: PCA and TICA use a default variance cutoff of 95%.
  • coordinates: TICA is scaled to produce a kinetic map by default.
  • coordinates: TICA eigenvalues can be used to calculate timescales.
  • coordinates: new MiniBatchKmeans implementation.
  • coordinates: Early termination of pipeline possible (eg. max_clusters reached).
  • coordinates: random access of input through pipeline via indices.
  • msm: Estimator for Bayesian Markov state models.
  • msm: MSMs can be systematically coarse-grained to few-state models
  • msm: Estimators for discrete Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Bayesian Hidden Markov models (BHMMs).
  • msm: SampledModels, e.g. generated from BayesianMSM or BayesianHMM allow statistics (means, variances, confidence intervals) to be computed for all properties of MSMs and HMMs.
  • msm: Generalized Chapman-Kolmogorov test for both MSM and HMM models
  • plots: plotting functions for Chapman-Kolmogorov tests and 2D free energy surfaces.
  • plots: more flexible network plots.


  • One new application-based ipython notebooks and three new methodological ipython notebooks are provided. All Notebooks and most of the data are provided for download at
  • Many improvements in API documentation.

Code architecture:

  • Object structure is more clear, general and extensible. We have three main class types: Estimators, Transformers and Models. Estimators (e.g. MaximumLikelihoodMSM) read data and produce a Transformer or a Model. Transformers (e.g. TICA) can be employed in order to transform input data into output data (e.g. dimension reduction). Models (e.g. MSM) can be analyzed in order to compute molecular quantities of interest, such as equilibrium probabilities or transition rates.
  • Estimators and Transformers have basic compatibility with scikit-learn objects.
  • Code for low-level msm functions (msm.analysis, msm.estimation, msm.generation, msm.flux) has been relocated to the subsidiary package msmtools ( msmtools is part of the PyEMMA distribution but can be separately installed without depending on PyEMMA in order to facilitate further method development.
  • Removed deprecated functions from 1.1 that were kept during 1.2

1.2.2 (7-27-2015)

  • msm estimation: new fast transition matrix sampler
  • msm estimation: new feature “auto-sparse”: automatically decide which datatype to use for transition matrix estimation.
  • coordinates package: kinetic map feature for TICA (arXiv:1506.06259 [physics.comp-ph])
  • coordinates package: better examples for API functions.
  • coordinates package: cluster assignment bugfix in parallel environments (OpenMP).
  • coordinates package: added cos/sin transformations for angle based features to featurizer. This is recommended for PCA/TICA transformations.
  • coordinates package: added minimum RMSD feature to featurizer.
  • coordinates package: Regular space clustering terminates early now, when it reaches max_clusters cutoff.
  • plots package: use Fruchterman Reingold spring algorithm to calculate positions in network plots.
  • ipython notebooks: new real-world examples, which show the complete workflow
  • general: made all example codes in documentation work.

1.2.1 (5-28-2015)

  • general: Time consuming algorithms now display progressbars (optional).

  • general: removed scikit-learn dependency (due to new kmeans impl. Thanks @clonker)

  • coordinates package: new and faster implementation of Kmeans (10x faster than scikit-learn).

  • coordinates package: allow metrics to be passed to cluster algorithms.

  • coordinates package: cache trajectory lengths by default

    (uncached led to 1 pass of reading for non indexed (XTC) formats).

    This avoids re-reading e.g XTC files to determine their lengths.

  • coordinates package: enable passing chunk size to readers and pipelines in API.

  • coordinates package: assign_to_centers now allows all supported file formats as centers input.

  • coordinates package: save_traj(s) now handles stride parameter.

  • coordinates package: save_traj now accepts also lists of files as an input In this case, an extra parameter topfile has to be parsed as well.

  • plots package: added functions to plot flux and msm models.

  • Bugfixes:

    • [msm.MSM.pcca]: coarse-grained transition matrix corrected
    • [msm.generation]: stopping states option fixed
    • [coordinates.NumPyReader]: during gathering of shapes of all files, none of them were closed.

1.2 (4-14-2015)

1.2 is a major new release which offers a load of new and useful functionalities for coordinate loading, data processing and Markov model estimation and analysis. In a few places we had to change existing API functions, but we encourage everyone to update to 1.2.

  • coordinate package: featurizer can be constructed separately
  • coordinate package: new functions for loading data and creating file readers for large trajectories
  • coordinate package: all clustering functions were renamed (e.g.: kmeans -> cluster_kmeans). Old function names do still work, but are deprecated
  • coordinate package: new pipeline() function for generic data processing pipelines. Using pipelines you can go from data loading, over transformation via TICA or PCA, to clustered data all via stream processing. This avoids having to load large datasets into memory.
  • msm package: markov_model() function creates a MSM object that offers a lot of analysis functions such as spectral analysis, mean first passage times, pcca, calculation of experimental observables, etc.
  • msm package: estimate_markov_model() function creates a EstimatedMSM object from data. Offers all functionalities of MSM plus additional functions related to trajectories, such as drawing representative smaples for MSM states
  • msm package: Chapman-Kolmogorow test and implied timescales calculation are more robust
  • msm package: cktest() and tpt() functions now accept MSM objects as inputs
  • various bug fixes

1.1.2 (3-18-2015)

  • PCCA++ now produces correct memberships (fixes a problem from nonorthonormal eigenvectors)
  • Improved Coordinates API documentation (Examples, examples, EXAMPLES)