
pyemma.coordinates.pca(data=None, dim=-1, var_cutoff=0.95, stride=1, mean=None)

Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

PCA is a linear transformation method that finds coordinates of maximal variance. A linear projection onto the principal components thus makes a minimal error in terms of variation in the data. Note, however, that this method is not optimal for Markov model construction because for that purpose the main objective is to preserve the slow processes which can sometimes be associated with small variance.

It estimates a PCA transformation from data. When input data is given as an argument, the estimation will be carried out right away, and the resulting object can be used to obtain eigenvalues, eigenvectors or project input data onto the principal components. If data is not given, this object is an empty estimator and can be put into a pipeline() in order to use PCA in streaming mode.

  • data (ndarray (T, d) or list of ndarray (T_i, d) or a reader created by) – source function data array or list of data arrays. T or T_i are the number of time steps in a trajectory. When data is given, the PCA is immediately parametrized by estimating the covariance matrix and computing its eigenvectors.
  • dim (int, optional, default -1) – the number of dimensions (principal components) to project onto. A call to the map function reduces the d-dimensional input to only dim dimensions such that the data preserves the maximum possible variance amongst dim-dimensional linear projections. -1 means all numerically available dimensions will be used unless reduced by var_cutoff. Setting dim to a positive value is exclusive with var_cutoff.
  • var_cutoff (float in the range [0,1], optional, default 0.95) – Determines the number of output dimensions by including dimensions until their cumulative kinetic variance exceeds the fraction subspace_variance. var_cutoff=1.0 means all numerically available dimensions (see epsilon) will be used, unless set by dim. Setting var_cutoff smaller than 1.0 is exclusive with dim
  • stride (int, optional, default = 1) – If set to 1, all input data will be used for estimation. Note that this could cause this calculation to be very slow for large data sets. Since molecular dynamics data is usually correlated at short timescales, it is often sufficient to estimate transformations at a longer stride. Note that the stride option in the get_output() function of the returned object is independent, so you can parametrize at a long stride, and still map all frames through the transformer.
  • mean (ndarray, optional, default None) – Optionally pass pre-calculated means to avoid their re-computation. The shape has to match the input dimension.

pca – Object for Principle component analysis (PCA) analysis. It contains PCA eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and the projection of input data to the dominant PCA

Return type:

a PCA transformation object


Given a sequence of multivariate data \(X_t\), computes the mean-free covariance matrix.

\[C = (X - \mu)^T (X - \mu)\]

and solves the eigenvalue problem

\[C r_i = \sigma_i r_i,\]

where \(r_i\) are the principal components and \(\sigma_i\) are their respective variances.

When used as a dimension reduction method, the input data is projected onto the dominant principal components.

See Wiki page for more theory and references. for more theory and references.


Create some input data:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyemma.coordinates import pca
>>> data = np.ones((1000, 2))
>>> data[0, -1] = 0

Project all input data on the first principal component:

>>> pca_obj = pca(data, dim=1)
>>> pca_obj.get_output() 
       [ 0.001     ],
       [ 0.001     ],...

See also

PCA : pca object

tica : for time-lagged independent component analysis

class pyemma.coordinates.transform.pca.PCA(dim=-1, var_cutoff=0.95, mean=None, stride=1)

Principal component analysis.


describe(*args, **kwargs) Get a descriptive string representation of this class.
dimension() output dimension
estimate(X, **kwargs)
fit(X) Estimates parameters - for compatibility with sklearn.
fit_transform(X[, y]) Fit to data, then transform it.
get_output([dimensions, stride, skip, chunk])
get_params([deep]) Get parameters for this estimator.
iterator([stride, lag, chunk, ...])
n_frames_total([stride]) Returns total number of frames.
number_of_trajectories() Returns the number of trajectories.
output_type() By default transformers return single precision floats.
register_progress_callback(call_back[, stage]) Registers the progress reporter.
set_params(**params) Set the parameters of this estimator.
trajectory_length(itraj[, stride, skip]) Returns the length of trajectory of the requested index.
trajectory_lengths([stride, skip]) Returns the length of each trajectory.
transform(X) Maps the input data through the transformer to correspondingly shaped output data array/list.
write_to_csv([filename, extension, ...]) write all data to csv with numpy.savetxt


filenames Property which returns a list of filenames the data is originally from.
in_memory are results stored in memory?
is_random_accessible Check if self._is_random_accessible is set to true and if all the random access strategies are implemented.
is_reader Property telling if this data source is a reader or not.
logger The logger for this class instance
model The model estimated by this Estimator
name The name of this instance
ra_itraj_cuboid Implementation of random access with slicing that can be up to 3-dimensional, where the first dimension corresponds to the trajectory index, the second dimension corresponds to the frames and the third dimension corresponds to the dimensions of the frames.
ra_itraj_jagged Behaves like ra_itraj_cuboid just that the trajectories are not truncated and returned as a list.
ra_itraj_linear Implementation of random access that takes arguments as the default random access (i.e., up to three dimensions with trajs, frames and dims, respectively), but which considers the frame indexing to be contiguous.
ra_linear Implementation of random access that takes a (maximal) two-dimensional slice where the first component corresponds to the frames and the second component corresponds to the dimensions.
describe(*args, **kwargs)

Get a descriptive string representation of this class.


output dimension

estimate(X, **kwargs)

Property which returns a list of filenames the data is originally from. :returns: list of str :rtype: list of filenames if data is originating from a file based reader


Estimates parameters - for compatibility with sklearn.

Parameters:X (object) – A reference to the data from which the model will be estimated
Returns:estimator – The estimator (self) with estimated model.
Return type:object
fit_transform(X, y=None, **fit_params)

Fit to data, then transform it. Fits transformer to X and y with optional parameters fit_params and returns a transformed version of X. :param X: Training set. :type X: numpy array of shape [n_samples, n_features] :param y: Target values. :type y: numpy array of shape [n_samples]

Returns:X_new – Transformed array.
Return type:numpy array of shape [n_samples, n_features_new]
get_output(dimensions=slice(0, None, None), stride=1, skip=0, chunk=0)

Get parameters for this estimator.

Parameters:deep (boolean, optional) – If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.
Returns:params – Parameter names mapped to their values.
Return type:mapping of string to any

are results stored in memory?


Check if self._is_random_accessible is set to true and if all the random access strategies are implemented. :returns: bool :rtype: Returns True if random accessible via strategies and False otherwise.


Property telling if this data source is a reader or not. :returns: bool :rtype: True if this data source is a reader and False otherwise

iterator(stride=1, lag=0, chunk=None, return_trajindex=True, cols=None)

The logger for this class instance


The model estimated by this Estimator


Returns total number of frames.

Parameters:stride (int) – return value is the number of frames in trajectories when running through them with a step size of stride.
Return type:n_frames_total

The name of this instance


Returns the number of trajectories.

Return type:number of trajectories

By default transformers return single precision floats.


Implementation of random access with slicing that can be up to 3-dimensional, where the first dimension corresponds to the trajectory index, the second dimension corresponds to the frames and the third dimension corresponds to the dimensions of the frames.

The with the frame slice selected frames will be loaded from each in the trajectory-slice selected trajectories and then sliced with the dimension slice. For example: The data consists out of three trajectories with length 10, 20, 10, respectively. The slice data[:, :15, :3] returns a 3D array of shape (3, 10, 3), where the first component corresponds to the three trajectories, the second component corresponds to 10 frames (note that the last 5 frames are being truncated as the other two trajectories only have 10 frames) and the third component corresponds to the selected first three dimensions.

Returns:Returns an object that allows access by slices in the described manner.

Behaves like ra_itraj_cuboid just that the trajectories are not truncated and returned as a list.

Returns:Returns an object that allows access by slices in the described manner.

Implementation of random access that takes arguments as the default random access (i.e., up to three dimensions with trajs, frames and dims, respectively), but which considers the frame indexing to be contiguous. Therefore, it returns a simple 2D array.

Returns:A 2D array of the sliced data containing [frames, dims].

Implementation of random access that takes a (maximal) two-dimensional slice where the first component corresponds to the frames and the second component corresponds to the dimensions. Here it is assumed that the frame indexing is contiguous, i.e., the first frame of the second trajectory has the index of the last frame of the first trajectory plus one.

Returns:Returns an object that allows access by slices in the described manner.
register_progress_callback(call_back, stage=0)

Registers the progress reporter.

  • call_back (function) –

    This function will be called with the following arguments:

    1. stage (int)
    2. instance of pyemma.utils.progressbar.ProgressBar
    3. optional *args and named keywords (**kw), for future changes
  • stage (int, optional, default=0) – The stage you want the given call back function to be fired.

Set the parameters of this estimator. The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as pipelines). The former have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object. :returns: :rtype: self

trajectory_length(itraj, stride=1, skip=None)

Returns the length of trajectory of the requested index.

  • itraj (int) – trajectory index
  • stride (int) – return value is the number of frames in the trajectory when running through it with a step size of stride.


Return type:

length of trajectory

trajectory_lengths(stride=1, skip=0)

Returns the length of each trajectory.

  • stride (int) – return value is the number of frames of the trajectories when running through them with a step size of stride.
  • skip (int) – skip parameter


Return type:

containing length of each trajectory


Maps the input data through the transformer to correspondingly shaped output data array/list.

Parameters:X (ndarray(T, n) or list of ndarray(T_i, n)) – The input data, where T is the number of time steps and n is the number of dimensions. If a list is provided, the number of time steps is allowed to vary, but the number of dimensions are required to be to be consistent.
Returns:Y – The mapped data, where T is the number of time steps of the input data and d is the output dimension of this transformer. If called with a list of trajectories, Y will also be a corresponding list of trajectories
Return type:ndarray(T, d) or list of ndarray(T_i, d)
write_to_csv(filename=None, extension='.dat', overwrite=False, stride=1, chunksize=100, **kw)

write all data to csv with numpy.savetxt

  • filename (str, optional) –

    filename string, which may contain placeholders {itraj} and {stride}:

    • itraj will be replaced by trajetory index
    • stride is stride argument of this method

    If filename is not given, it is being tried to obtain the filenames from the data source of this iterator.

  • extension (str, optional, default='.dat') – filename extension of created files
  • overwrite (bool, optional, default=False) – shall existing files be overwritten? If a file exists, this method will raise.
  • stride (int) – omit every n’th frame
  • chunksize (int) – how many frames to process at once
  • kw (dict) – named arguments passed into numpy.savetxt (header, seperator etc.)


Assume you want to save features calculated by some FeatureReader to ASCII: >>> import numpy as np, pyemma >>> from pyemma.util.files import TemporaryDirectory >>> import os >>> data = [np.random.random((10,3))] * 3 >>> reader = pyemma.coordinates.source(data) >>> filename = “distances_{itraj}.dat” >>> with TemporaryDirectory() as td: ... os.chdir(td) ... reader.write_to_csv(filename, header=’‘, delim=’;’) ... print(os.listdir(‘.’)) [‘distances_2.dat’, ‘distances_1.dat’, ‘distances_0.dat’]


[1]Pearson, K. 1901 On Lines and Planes of Closest Fit to Systems of Points in Space Phil. Mag. 2, 559–572
[2]Hotelling, H. 1933. Analysis of a complex of statistical variables into principal components. J. Edu. Psych. 24, 417-441 and 498-520.