
class pyemma.msm.HMSM(P, pobs, pi=None, dt_model='1 step')

Hidden Markov model on discrete states.

Parameters:hmm (DiscreteHMM) – Hidden Markov Model
__init__(P, pobs, pi=None, dt_model='1 step')
  • Pcoarse (ndarray (m,m)) – coarse-grained or hidden transition matrix
  • Pobs (ndarray (m,n)) – observation probability matrix from hidden to observable discrete states
  • dt_model (str, optional, default='1 step') – time step of the model


__init__(P, pobs[, pi, dt_model])
param Pcoarse:coarse-grained or hidden transition matrix
committor_backward(A, B) Backward committor from set A to set B
committor_forward(A, B) Forward committor (also known as p_fold or splitting probability) from set A to set B
correlation(a[, b, maxtime, k, ncv])
eigenvalues([k]) Compute the transition matrix eigenvalues
eigenvectors_left([k]) Compute the left transition matrix eigenvectors
eigenvectors_right([k]) Compute the right transition matrix eigenvectors
fingerprint_correlation(a[, b, k, ncv])
fingerprint_relaxation(p0, a[, k, ncv])
get_model_params([deep]) Get parameters for this model.
mfpt(A, B) Mean first passage times from set A to set B, in units of the input trajectory time step
propagate(p0, k) Propagates the initial distribution p0 k times
relaxation(p0, a[, maxtime, k, ncv])
set_model_params([P, pobs, pi, reversible, ...])
param P:coarse-grained or hidden transition matrix
submodel([states, obs]) Returns a HMM with restricted state space
timescales([k]) The relaxation timescales corresponding to the eigenvalues
transition_matrix_obs([k]) Computes the transition matrix between observed states
update_model_params(**params) Update given model parameter if they are set to specific values


is_reversible Returns whether the MSM is reversible
is_sparse Returns whether the MSM is sparse
lifetimes Lifetimes of states of the hidden transition matrix
metastable_assignments Computes the assignment to metastable sets for observable states
metastable_distributions Returns the output probability distributions.
metastable_memberships Computes the memberships of observable states to metastable sets by Bayesian inversion as described in [1].
metastable_sets Computes the metastable sets of observable states within each
nstates Number of active states on which all computations and estimations are done
observation_probabilities returns the output probability matrix
stationary_distribution The stationary distribution on the MSM states
timestep_model Physical time corresponding to one transition matrix step, e.g.
transition_matrix The transition matrix on the active set.
committor_backward(A, B)

Backward committor from set A to set B

  • A (int or int array) – set of starting states
  • B (int or int array) – set of target states
committor_forward(A, B)

Forward committor (also known as p_fold or splitting probability) from set A to set B

  • A (int or int array) – set of starting states
  • B (int or int array) – set of target states

Compute the transition matrix eigenvalues

Parameters:k (int) – number of eigenvalues to be returned. By default will return all available eigenvalues
Returns:ts – transition matrix eigenvalues \(\lambda_i, i = 1, ..., k\)., sorted by descending norm.
Return type:ndarray(k,)

Compute the left transition matrix eigenvectors

Parameters:k (int) – number of eigenvectors to be returned. By default all available eigenvectors.
Returns:L – left eigenvectors in a row matrix. l_ij is the j’th component of the i’th left eigenvector
Return type:ndarray(k,n)

Compute the right transition matrix eigenvectors

Parameters:k (int) – number of eigenvectors to be computed. By default all available eigenvectors.
Returns:R – right eigenvectors in a column matrix. r_ij is the i’th component of the j’th right eigenvector
Return type:ndarray(n,k)

Get parameters for this model.

Parameters:deep (boolean, optional) – If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.
Returns:params – Parameter names mapped to their values.
Return type:mapping of string to any

Returns whether the MSM is reversible


Returns whether the MSM is sparse


Lifetimes of states of the hidden transition matrix

Returns:l – state lifetimes in units of the input trajectory time step, defined by \(-\tau / ln \mid p_{ii} \mid, i = 1,...,nstates\), where \(p_{ii}\) are the diagonal entries of the hidden transition matrix.
Return type:ndarray(nstates)

Computes the assignment to metastable sets for observable states


This is only recommended for visualization purposes. You cannot compute any actual quantity of the coarse-grained kinetics without employing the fuzzy memberships!

Returns:For each observable state, the metastable state it is located in.
Return type:ndarray((n) ,dtype=int)
Returns the output probability distributions. Identical to
Returns:Pout – output probability matrix from hidden to observable discrete states
Return type:ndarray (m,n)
Computes the memberships of observable states to metastable sets by
Bayesian inversion as described in [1].
Returns:M – A matrix containing the probability or membership of each observable state to be assigned to each metastable or hidden state. The row sums of M are 1.
Return type:ndarray((n,m))


[1](1, 2) F. Noe, H. Wu, J.-H. Prinz and N. Plattner: Projected and hidden Markov models for calculating kinetics and metastable states of complex molecules. J. Chem. Phys. 139, 184114 (2013)
Computes the metastable sets of observable states within each
metastable set


This is only recommended for visualization purposes. You cannot compute any actual quantity of the coarse-grained kinetics without employing the fuzzy memberships!

Returns:sets – A list of length equal to metastable states. Each element is an array with observable state indexes contained in it
Return type:list of int-arrays
mfpt(A, B)

Mean first passage times from set A to set B, in units of the input trajectory time step

  • A (int or int array) – set of starting states
  • B (int or int array) – set of target states

Number of active states on which all computations and estimations are done


returns the output probability matrix

Returns:Pout – output probability matrix from hidden to observable discrete states
Return type:ndarray (m,n)
propagate(p0, k)

Propagates the initial distribution p0 k times

Computes the product

..1: p_k = p_0^T P^k

If the lag time of transition matrix \(P\) is \(\tau\), this will provide the probability distribution at time \(k \tau\).

  • p0 (ndarray(n)) – Initial distribution. Vector of size of the active set.
  • k (int) – Number of time steps

pk – Distribution after k steps. Vector of size of the active set.

Return type:


set_model_params(P=None, pobs=None, pi=None, reversible=None, dt_model='1 step', neig=None)
  • P (ndarray(m,m)) – coarse-grained or hidden transition matrix
  • pobs (ndarray (m,n)) – observation probability matrix from hidden to observable discrete states
  • pi (ndarray(m), optional, default=None) – stationary or distribution. Can be optionally given in case if it was already computed, e.g. by the estimator.
  • dt_model (str, optional, default='1 step') – time step of the model
  • neig (int or None) – The number of eigenvalues / eigenvectors to be kept. If set to None, all eigenvalues will be used.

The stationary distribution on the MSM states

submodel(states=None, obs=None)

Returns a HMM with restricted state space

  • states (None or int-array) – Hidden states to restrict the model to (if not None).
  • obs (None, str or int-array) – Observed states to restrict the model to (if not None).

hmm – The restricted HMM.

Return type:



The relaxation timescales corresponding to the eigenvalues

Parameters:k (int) – number of timescales to be returned. By default all available eigenvalues, minus 1.
Returns:ts – relaxation timescales in units of the input trajectory time step, defined by \(-\tau / ln | \lambda_i |, i = 2,...,k+1\).
Return type:ndarray(m)

Physical time corresponding to one transition matrix step, e.g. ‘10 ps’


The transition matrix on the active set.


Computes the transition matrix between observed states

Transition matrices for longer lag times than the one used to parametrize this HMSM can be obtained by setting the k option. Note that a HMSM is not Markovian, thus we cannot compute transition matrices at longer lag times using the Chapman-Kolmogorow equality. I.e.:

\[P (k \tau) \neq P^k (\tau)\]

This function computes the correct transition matrix using the metastable (coarse) transition matrix \(P_c\) as:

\[P (k \tau) = {\Pi}^-1 \chi^{\top} ({\Pi}_c) P_c^k (\tau) \chi\]

where \(\chi\) is the output probability matrix, \(\Pi_c\) is a diagonal matrix with the metastable-state (coarse) stationary distribution and \(\Pi\) is a diagonal matrix with the observable-state stationary distribution.

Parameters:k (int, optional, default=1) – Multiple of the lag time for which the By default (k=1), the transition matrix at the lag time used to construct this HMSM will be returned. If a higher power is given,

Update given model parameter if they are set to specific values