
pyemma.thermo.estimate_umbrella_sampling(us_trajs, us_dtrajs, us_centers, us_force_constants, md_trajs=None, md_dtrajs=None, kT=None, maxiter=10000, maxerr=1e-15, save_convergence_info=0, estimator='wham', lag=1, dt_traj='1 step', init=None, init_maxiter=10000, init_maxerr=1e-08, **kwargs)

This function acts as a wrapper for tram(), dtram(), and wham() and handles the calculation of bias energies (bias) and thermodynamic state trajectories (ttrajs) when the data comes from umbrella sampling and (optional) unbiased simulations.

  • us_trajs (list of N arrays, each of shape (T_i, d)) – List of arrays, each having T_i rows, one for each time step, and d columns where d is the dimensionality of the subspace in which umbrella sampling was applied. Often d=1, and thus us_trajs will be a list of 1d-arrays.
  • us_dtrajs (list of N int arrays, each of shape (T_i,)) – The integers are indexes in 0,...,n-1 enumerating the n discrete states or the bins the umbrella sampling trajectory is in at any time.
  • us_centers (list of N floats or d-dimensional arrays of floats) – List or array of N center positions. Each position must be a d-dimensional vector. For 1d umbrella sampling, one can simply pass a list of centers, e.g. [-5.0, -4.0, -3.0, ... ].
  • us_force_constants (list of N floats or d- or dxd-dimensional arrays of floats) – The force constants used in the umbrellas, unit-less (e.g. kT per squared length unit). For multidimensional umbrella sampling, the force matrix must be used.
  • md_trajs (list of M arrays, each of shape (T_i, d), optional, default=None) – Unbiased molecular dynamics simulations; format like us_trajs.
  • md_dtrajs (list of M int arrays, each of shape (T_i,)) – The integers are indexes in 0,...,n-1 enumerating the n discrete states or the bins the unbiased trajectory is in at any time.
  • kT (float or None, optional, default=None) – Use this attribute if the supplied force constants are NOT unit-less; kT must have the same energy unit as the force constants.
  • maxiter (int, optional, default=10000) – The maximum number of self-consistent iterations before the estimator exits unsuccessfully.
  • maxerr (float, optional, default=1.0E-15) – Convergence criterion based on the maximal free energy change in a self-consistent iteration step.
  • save_convergence_info (int, optional, default=0) – Every save_convergence_info iteration steps, store the actual increment and the actual loglikelihood; 0 means no storage.
  • estimator (str, optional, default='wham') –

    Specify one of the available estimators

    ‘wham’: use WHAM
    ‘mbar’: use MBAR
    ‘dtram’: use the discrete version of TRAM
    ‘tram’: use TRAM
  • lag (int or list of int, optional, default=1) – Integer lag time at which transitions are counted. Providing a list of lag times will trigger one estimation per lag time.
  • dt_traj (str, optional, default='1 step') –

    Description of the physical time corresponding to the lag. May be used by analysis algorithms such as plotting tools to pretty-print the axes. By default ‘1 step’, i.e. there is no physical time unit. Specify by a number, whitespace and unit. Permitted units are (* is an arbitrary string):

    ‘fs’, ‘femtosecond*’
    ‘ps’, ‘picosecond*’
    ‘ns’, ‘nanosecond*’
    ‘us’, ‘microsecond*’
    ‘ms’, ‘millisecond*’
    ‘s’, ‘second*’
  • init (str, optional, default=None) –

    Use a specific initialization for the self-consistent iteration:

    None: use a hard-coded guess for free energies and Lagrangian multipliers
    ‘wham’: perform a short WHAM estimate to initialize the free energies (only with dtram)
    ‘mbar’: perform a short MBAR estimate to initialize the free energies (only with tram)
  • init_maxiter (int, optional, default=10000) – The maximum number of self-consistent iterations during the initialization.
  • init_maxerr (float, optional, default=1.0E-8) – Convergence criterion for the initialization.
  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – You can use this to pass estimator-specific named parameters to the chosen estimator, which are not already coverd by estimate_umbrella_sampling().

estimator_obj – The requested estimator/model object, i.e., WHAM, MBAR, DTRAM or TRAM. If multiple lag times are given, a list of objects is returned (one MEMM per lag time).

Return type:

MEMM or MultiThermModel or list thereof


We look at a 1D umbrella sampling simulation with two umbrellas at 1.1 and 1.3 on the reaction coordinate with spring constant of 1.0; additionally, we have two unbiased simulations.

We start with a joint clustering and use TRAM for the estimation:

>>> from pyemma.coordinates import cluster_regspace as regspace
>>> from pyemma.thermo import estimate_umbrella_sampling as estimate_us
>>> import numpy as np
>>> us_centers = [1.1, 1.3]
>>> us_force_constants = [1.0, 1.0]
>>> us_trajs = [np.array([1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0, 1.1]).reshape((-1, 1)), np.array([1.3, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.4, 1.3]).reshape((-1, 1))]
>>> md_trajs = [np.array([0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4]).reshape((-1, 1)), np.array([1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 1.4, 1.4, 1.5]).reshape((-1, 1))]
>>> cluster = regspace(data=us_trajs+md_trajs, max_centers=10, dmin=0.15)
>>> us_dtrajs = cluster.dtrajs[:2]
>>> md_dtrajs = cluster.dtrajs[2:]
>>> centers = cluster.clustercenters
>>> tram = estimate_us(us_trajs, us_dtrajs, us_centers, us_force_constants, md_trajs=md_trajs, md_dtrajs=md_dtrajs, estimator='tram', lag=1)
>>> tram.f 
array([ 0.63...,  1.60...,  1.31...])