(dtrajs, lags=None, nits=10, connected=True, reversible=True, failfast=False)¶ Implied timescales for a series of lag times.
Parameters: - dtrajs (array-like or list of array-likes) – discrete trajectories
- = None (lags) – integer lag times at which the implied timescales will be calculated
- = 10 (k) – number of implied timescales to be computed. Will compute less if the number of states are smaller
- = True (reversible) – compute the connected set before transition matrix estimation at each lag separately
- = True – estimate the transition matrix reversibly (True) or nonreversibly (False)
- = False (failfast) – if True, will raise an error as soon as not all requested timescales can be computed at all requested lagtimes. If False, will continue with a warning and compute the timescales/lagtimes that are possible.
(dtrajs, lags=None, nits=10, connected=True, reversible=True, failfast=False)¶
(dtrajs[, lags, nits, connected, ...])bootstrap
([nsample])Samples ITS using bootstrapping get_lagtimes
()Return the list of lag times for which timescales were computed. get_sample_conf
([alpha, process])Returns the confidence interval that contains alpha % of the sample data get_sample_mean
([process])Returns the sample means of implied timescales. get_sample_std
([process])Returns the standard error of implied timescales. get_timescales
([process])Returns the implied timescale estimates Attributes
Return the list of lag times for which timescales were computed. number_of_timescales
Return the number of timescales. sample_lagtimes
Return the list of lag times for which sample data is available sample_mean
Returns the sample means of implied timescales. sample_number_of_timescales
Return the number of timescales for which sample data is available sample_std
Returns the standard error of implied timescales. samples_available
Returns True if samples are available and thus sample timescales
Returns the implied timescale estimates -
(nsample=10)¶ Samples ITS using bootstrapping
()¶ Return the list of lag times for which timescales were computed.
(alpha=0.6827, process=None)¶ Returns the confidence interval that contains alpha % of the sample data
Use: alpha = 0.6827 for 1-sigma confidence interval alpha = 0.9545 for 2-sigma confidence interval alpha = 0.9973 for 3-sigma confidence interval etc.
Returns: - (L,R) ((float[],float[]) or (float[][],float[][])) – lower and upper timescales bounding the confidence interval
- if process is None, will return two (l x k) arrays, where l is the number of lag times
- and k is the number of computed timescales.
- if process is an integer, will return two (l)-arrays with the
- selected process time scale for every lag time
(process=None)¶ Returns the sample means of implied timescales. Need to generate the samples first, e.g. by calling bootstrap
Parameters: process (int or None (default)) – index in [0:n-1] referring to the process whose timescale will be returned. By default, process = None and all computed process timescales will be returned. Returns: - if process is None, will return a (l x k) array, where l is the number of lag times
- and k is the number of computed timescales.
- if process is an integer, will return a (l) array with the selected process time scale
- for every lag time
(process=None)¶ Returns the standard error of implied timescales. Need to generate the samples first, e.g. by calling bootstrap
Parameters: process (int or None (default)) – index in [0:n-1] referring to the process whose timescale will be returned. By default, process = None and all computed process timescales will be returned. Returns: - if process is None, will return a (l x k) array, where l is the number of lag times
- and k is the number of computed timescales.
- if process is an integer, will return a (l) array with the selected process time scale
- for every lag time
(process=None)¶ Returns the implied timescale estimates
Parameters: process (int or None (default)) – index in [0:n-1] referring to the process whose timescale will be returned. By default, process = None and all computed process timescales will be returned. Returns: - if process is None, will return a (l x k) array, where l is the number of lag times
- and k is the number of computed timescales.
- if process is an integer, will return a (l) array with the selected process time scale
- for every lag time
¶ Return the list of lag times for which timescales were computed.
¶ Return the number of timescales.
¶ Return the list of lag times for which sample data is available
¶ Returns the sample means of implied timescales. Need to generate the samples first, e.g. by calling bootstrap
Returns: timescales – mean timescales for all processes and lag times. l is the number of lag times and k is the number of computed timescales. Return type: ndarray((l x k), dtype=float)
¶ Return the number of timescales for which sample data is available
¶ Returns the standard error of implied timescales. Need to generate the samples first, e.g. by calling bootstrap
Returns: timescales – standard deviations of timescales for all processes and lag times. l is the number of lag times and k is the number of computed timescales. Return type: ndarray((l x k), dtype=float)
¶ Returns True if samples are available and thus sample means, standard errors and confidence intervals can be obtained
¶ Returns the implied timescale estimates
Returns: timescales – timescales for all processes and lag times. l is the number of lag times and k is the number of computed timescales. Return type: ndarray((l x k), dtype=float)