
class pyemma.msm.ui.ImpliedTimescales(dtrajs, lags=None, nits=10, connected=True, reversible=True, failfast=False)

Implied timescales for a series of lag times.

  • dtrajs (array-like or list of array-likes) – discrete trajectories
  • = None (lags) – integer lag times at which the implied timescales will be calculated
  • = 10 (k) – number of implied timescales to be computed. Will compute less if the number of states are smaller
  • = True (reversible) – compute the connected set before transition matrix estimation at each lag separately
  • = True – estimate the transition matrix reversibly (True) or nonreversibly (False)
  • = False (failfast) – if True, will raise an error as soon as not all requested timescales can be computed at all requested lagtimes. If False, will continue with a warning and compute the timescales/lagtimes that are possible.
__init__(dtrajs, lags=None, nits=10, connected=True, reversible=True, failfast=False)


__init__(dtrajs[, lags, nits, connected, ...])
bootstrap([nsample]) Samples ITS using bootstrapping
get_lagtimes() Return the list of lag times for which timescales were computed.
get_sample_conf([alpha, process]) Returns the confidence interval that contains alpha % of the sample data
get_sample_mean([process]) Returns the sample means of implied timescales.
get_sample_std([process]) Returns the standard error of implied timescales.
get_timescales([process]) Returns the implied timescale estimates


lagtimes Return the list of lag times for which timescales were computed.
number_of_timescales Return the number of timescales.
sample_lagtimes Return the list of lag times for which sample data is available
sample_mean Returns the sample means of implied timescales.
sample_number_of_timescales Return the number of timescales for which sample data is available
sample_std Returns the standard error of implied timescales.
samples_available Returns True if samples are available and thus sample
timescales Returns the implied timescale estimates

Samples ITS using bootstrapping


Return the list of lag times for which timescales were computed.

get_sample_conf(alpha=0.6827, process=None)

Returns the confidence interval that contains alpha % of the sample data

Use: alpha = 0.6827 for 1-sigma confidence interval alpha = 0.9545 for 2-sigma confidence interval alpha = 0.9973 for 3-sigma confidence interval etc.

  • (L,R) ((float[],float[]) or (float[][],float[][])) – lower and upper timescales bounding the confidence interval
  • if process is None, will return two (l x k) arrays, where l is the number of lag times
  • and k is the number of computed timescales.
  • if process is an integer, will return two (l)-arrays with the
  • selected process time scale for every lag time

Returns the sample means of implied timescales. Need to generate the samples first, e.g. by calling bootstrap

Parameters:process (int or None (default)) – index in [0:n-1] referring to the process whose timescale will be returned. By default, process = None and all computed process timescales will be returned.
  • if process is None, will return a (l x k) array, where l is the number of lag times
  • and k is the number of computed timescales.
  • if process is an integer, will return a (l) array with the selected process time scale
  • for every lag time

Returns the standard error of implied timescales. Need to generate the samples first, e.g. by calling bootstrap

Parameters:process (int or None (default)) – index in [0:n-1] referring to the process whose timescale will be returned. By default, process = None and all computed process timescales will be returned.
  • if process is None, will return a (l x k) array, where l is the number of lag times
  • and k is the number of computed timescales.
  • if process is an integer, will return a (l) array with the selected process time scale
  • for every lag time

Returns the implied timescale estimates

Parameters:process (int or None (default)) – index in [0:n-1] referring to the process whose timescale will be returned. By default, process = None and all computed process timescales will be returned.
  • if process is None, will return a (l x k) array, where l is the number of lag times
  • and k is the number of computed timescales.
  • if process is an integer, will return a (l) array with the selected process time scale
  • for every lag time

Return the list of lag times for which timescales were computed.


Return the number of timescales.


Return the list of lag times for which sample data is available


Returns the sample means of implied timescales. Need to generate the samples first, e.g. by calling bootstrap

Returns:timescales – mean timescales for all processes and lag times. l is the number of lag times and k is the number of computed timescales.
Return type:ndarray((l x k), dtype=float)

Return the number of timescales for which sample data is available


Returns the standard error of implied timescales. Need to generate the samples first, e.g. by calling bootstrap

Returns:timescales – standard deviations of timescales for all processes and lag times. l is the number of lag times and k is the number of computed timescales.
Return type:ndarray((l x k), dtype=float)

Returns True if samples are available and thus sample means, standard errors and confidence intervals can be obtained


Returns the implied timescale estimates

Returns:timescales – timescales for all processes and lag times. l is the number of lag times and k is the number of computed timescales.
Return type:ndarray((l x k), dtype=float)