
class pyemma.msm.MaximumLikelihoodHMSM(*args, **kwargs)

Maximum likelihood estimator for a Hidden MSM given a MSM

__init__(nstates=2, lag=1, stride=1, msm_init='largest-strong', reversible=True, stationary=False, connectivity=None, mincount_connectivity='1/n', observe_nonempty=True, separate=None, dt_traj='1 step', accuracy=0.001, maxit=1000)

Maximum likelihood estimator for a Hidden MSM given a MSM

  • nstates (int, optional, default=2) – number of hidden states

  • lag (int, optional, default=1) – lagtime to estimate the HMSM at

  • stride (str or int, default=1) –

    stride between two lagged trajectories extracted from the input trajectories. Given trajectory s[t], stride and lag will result in trajectories

    s[0], s[lag], s[2 lag], … s[stride], s[stride + lag], s[stride + 2 lag], …

    Setting stride = 1 will result in using all data (useful for maximum likelihood estimator), while a Bayesian estimator requires a longer stride in order to have statistically uncorrelated trajectories. Setting stride = ‘effective’ uses the largest neglected timescale as an estimate for the correlation time and sets the stride accordingly

  • msm_init (str or MSM) –

    MSM object to initialize the estimation, or one of following keywords:

    • ’largest-strong’ or None (default)Estimate MSM on the largest

      strongly connected set and use spectral clustering to generate an initial HMM

    • ’all’Estimate MSM(s) on the full state space to initialize the

      HMM. This estimate maybe weakly connected or disconnected.

  • reversible (bool, optional, default = True) – If true compute reversible MSM, else non-reversible MSM

  • stationary (bool, optional, default=False) – If True, the initial distribution of hidden states is self-consistently computed as the stationary distribution of the transition matrix. If False, it will be estimated from the starting states. Only set this to true if you’re sure that the observation trajectories are initiated from a global equilibrium distribution.

  • connectivity (str, optional, default = None) –

    Defines if the resulting HMM will be defined on all hidden states or on a connected subset. Connectivity is defined by counting only transitions with at least mincount_connectivity counts. If a subset of states is used, all estimated quantities (transition matrix, stationary distribution, etc) are only defined on this subset and are correspondingly smaller than nstates. Following modes are available:

    • None or ‘all’ : The active set is the full set of states. Estimation is done on all weakly connected subsets separately. The resulting transition matrix may be disconnected.

    • ’largest’ : The active set is the largest reversibly connected set.

    • ’populous’ : The active set is the reversibly connected set with most counts.

  • mincount_connectivity (float or '1/n') – minimum number of counts to consider a connection between two states. Counts lower than that will count zero in the connectivity check and may thus separate the resulting transition matrix. The default evaluates to 1/nstates.

  • separate (None or iterable of int) – Force the given set of observed states to stay in a separate hidden state. The remaining nstates-1 states will be assigned by a metastable decomposition.

  • observe_nonempty (bool) – If True, will restricted the observed states to the states that have at least one observation in the lagged input trajectories. If an initial MSM is given, this option is ignored and the observed subset is always identical to the active set of that MSM.

  • dt_traj (str, optional, default='1 step') –

    Description of the physical time corresponding to the trajectory time step. May be used by analysis algorithms such as plotting tools to pretty-print the axes. By default ‘1 step’, i.e. there is no physical time unit. Specify by a number, whitespace and unit. Permitted units are (* is an arbitrary string):

    ’fs’, ‘femtosecond*’
    ’ps’, ‘picosecond*’
    ’ns’, ‘nanosecond*’
    ’us’, ‘microsecond*’
    ’ms’, ‘millisecond*’
    ’s’, ‘second*’

  • accuracy (float, optional, default = 1e-3) – convergence threshold for EM iteration. When two the likelihood does not increase by more than accuracy, the iteration is stopped successfully.

  • maxit (int, optional, default = 1000) – stopping criterion for EM iteration. When so many iterations are performed without reaching the requested accuracy, the iteration is stopped without convergence (a warning is given)



_SerializableMixIn__interpolate(state, klass)

__delattr__(name, /)

Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.


Return self==value.

__format__(format_spec, /)

Default object formatter.

__ge__(value, /)

Return self>=value.

__getattribute__(name, /)

Return getattr(self, name).


__gt__(value, /)

Return self>value.

__init__([nstates, lag, stride, msm_init, …])

Maximum likelihood estimator for a Hidden MSM given a MSM

__init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs)

This method is called when a class is subclassed.

__le__(value, /)

Return self<=value.

__lt__(value, /)

Return self<value.



__ne__(value, /)

Return self!=value.

__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

Create and return a new object.


Helper for pickle.

__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)

Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).

__setattr__(name, value, /)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).



Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().


Checks if set A is within the active set


Tests if pcca object is available, or else raises a ValueError.


_cleanup_logger(logger_id, logger_name)

_committor_backward(P, A, B[, mu])

_committor_forward(P, A, B)


Conducts the eigenvalue decomposition and stores k eigenvalues, left and right eigenvectors


Conducts the eigenvalue decomposition and stores k eigenvalues, left and right eigenvectors


Ensures that eigendecomposition has been performed with at least neig eigenpairs


Ensures that at least neig eigenvalues have been computed



gets classes self derives from which 1.



Get parameter names for the model


Get parameter names for the estimator

_get_private_field(cls, name[, default])


_get_state_of_serializeable_fields(klass, state)

:return a dictionary {k:v} for k in self.serialize_fields and v=getattr(self, k)

_get_version(cls[, require])

_get_version_for_class_from_state(state, klass)

retrieves the version of the current klass from the state mapping from old locations to new ones.


@param level: int log level (debug=10, info=20, warn=30, error=40, critical=50)

_mfpt(P, A, B[, mu])


set only fields from state, which are present in klass.__serialize_fields

cktest([mlags, conf, err_est, n_jobs, …])

Conducts a Chapman-Kolmogorow test.

committor_backward(A, B)

Backward committor from set A to set B

committor_forward(A, B)

Forward committor (also known as p_fold or splitting probability) from set A to set B

correlation(a[, b, maxtime, k, ncv])

Time-correlation for equilibrium experiment.


Compute the transition matrix eigenvalues


Compute the left transition matrix eigenvectors


Compute the right transition matrix eigenvectors

estimate(X, **params)

Estimates the model given the data X


Equilibrium expectation value of a given observable.

fingerprint_correlation(a[, b, k, ncv])

Dynamical fingerprint for equilibrium time-correlation experiment.

fingerprint_relaxation(p0, a[, k, ncv])

Dynamical fingerprint for perturbation/relaxation experiment.

fit(X[, y])

Estimates parameters - for compatibility with sklearn.


Get parameters for this model.


Get parameters for this estimator.

load(file_name[, model_name])

Loads a previously saved PyEMMA object from disk.

mfpt(A, B)

Mean first passage times from set A to set B, in units of the input trajectory time step


Runs PCCA++ [1]_ to compute a metastable decomposition of MSM states

propagate(p0, k)

Propagates the initial distribution p0 k times

relaxation(p0, a[, maxtime, k, ncv])

Simulates a perturbation-relaxation experiment.


Generates samples according to the current observation probability distribution

save(file_name[, model_name, overwrite, …])

saves the current state of this object to given file and name.

set_model_params([P, pobs, pi, reversible, …])

param P

coarse-grained or hidden transition matrix


Set the parameters of this estimator.

simulate(N[, start, stop, dt])

Generates a realization of the Hidden Markov Model

submodel([states, obs, …])

Returns a HMM with restricted state space


Disconnects sets of hidden states that are barely connected

submodel_largest([strong, mincount_connectivity])

Returns the largest connected sub-HMM (convenience function)

submodel_populous([strong, …])

Returns the most populous connected sub-HMM (convenience function)


The relaxation timescales corresponding to the eigenvalues


Uses the HMSM to assign a probability weight to each trajectory frame.


Computes the transition matrix between observed states


Update given model parameter if they are set to specific values



The transition matrix on the active set.

















list of weak references to the object (if defined)









The active set of hidden states on which all hidden state computations are done


A list of integer arrays with the original trajectories.


Transformed original trajectories that are used as an input into the HMM estimation


A list of integer arrays with the discrete trajectories mapped to the observation mode used.


Description of the physical time corresponding to the lag.



A list of integer arrays with the original trajectories.


Transformed original trajectories that are used as an input into the HMM estimation


A list of integer arrays with the discrete trajectories mapped to the observation mode used.




Returns whether the MSM is reversible


Returns whether the MSM is sparse


The lag time in steps


Lifetimes of states of the hidden transition matrix


The logger for this class instance


Computes the assignment to metastable sets for observable states


Returns the output probability distributions. Identical to


Computes the memberships of observable states to metastable sets by


Computes the metastable sets of observable states within each


The model estimated by this Estimator



Number of states chosen for PCCA++ computation.


The name of this instance


number of eigenvalues to compute.


Number of active states on which all computations and estimations are done


Number of states in discrete trajectories


The active set of states on which all computations and estimations will be done


Ensures that the observable states are indexed and returns the indices


returns the output probability matrix


The stationary distribution on the MSM states


Returns whether the MSM is reversible


Returns whether the MSM is sparse


The stationary distribution on the MSM states



Physical time corresponding to one transition matrix step, e.g.


The transition matrix on the active set.