MSM-analysis for alanine-dipeptide¶
This notebook collects usage examples for MSM-analysis using members of the pyemma.msm.analysis package.
A given MSM, estimated from alanine-dipeptide simulation data at lagtime \(\tau=6ps\), is used as an example to carry out analysis.
The necessary inputs are:
- the transition matrix, ‘T.dat’
- the centers of the \((\phi, \psi)\) dihedral angle space regular grid discretization, ‘grid_centers20x20.dat’
- the largest set of connected microstates, ‘lcc.dat’
Auxiliary functions in ‘’ are used to generate figures of the estimated quantities.
Use ipythons magic % commands to activate plotting within notebook cells¶
%matplotlib inline
Imports are ordered as¶
- standard library imports
- third party imports
- local application/library specific imports
import numpy as np
from import read_matrix
from pyemma.msm.analysis import stationary_distribution, eigenvectors, eigenvalues, timescales, pcca
import plotting
Load necessary input data¶
Use function to read dense arrays from ascii files. The returned objects will be dense arrays (numpy.ndarray).
This notebook collects usage examples for MSM-analysis using members of the pyemma.msm.analysis package.
Starting from
The optional dtype (data-type) keyword allows you to specify the type of the read data. The default value is dtype=float.
lcc=read_matrix('lcc.dat', dtype=int)
Use the integer values given by the largest connected set as indices to “slice” the array of grid-center points. The returned array contains only those centers corresponding to the mircrostates in the largest connected set.
centers=centers[lcc, :]
Compute the stationary distribution using the pyemma.msm.analysis.stationary_distribution method.
The (centers, pi) tuple is fed into an adapted plotting subroutine producing a contour plot from the scattered data. Since scatterd data can not directly be used to produce a contour plot over the whole \((\phi, \psi)\)-plane the given data is interpolated onto a regular grid before producing a contour plot. Some of the strange-looking low probability iso-lines may be artefacts of the interpolation. Interpolation on the level of free energies is probably a better idea.
plotting.stationary_distribution(centers, pi)
For \(T=300K\) we have \(\beta=0.4 \frac{mol}{kJ}\). The free-energy is defined as \(A_i=-\frac{1}{\beta} \log \pi_i\)
Since we can only estimate free-energy differences we set the \(\min{A_i}=0\)
For plotting we chose the equally spaced contour levels in the interval \([0, 30] \frac{kJ}{mol}\). For the interpolation onto a regular grid we chose cubic splines. Grid points that lie outside of the convex-hull of the given center points are assigned the maximum value of \(A\).
The plot shows the separation of the dihedral plane into a low (free-)energy region $ 0 $ and the region of high free-energy \(\phi >0\).
- The low lying region contains three metastable sets seperated by a barrier of approximately \(4 \frac{kJ}{mol}\) and approximately \(10 \frac{kJ}{mol}\).
- There are two metastable sets in the high energy region seperated by a barrier of approximately \(7 \frac{kJ}{mol}\).
- The barrier between the low energy and the high energy region is approximately \(23 \frac{kJ}{mol}\).
plotting.free_energy(centers, A, levels=np.linspace(0.0, 30.0, 10), method='cubic', fill_value=A.max())
We compute the right eigenvectors corresponding to the 4 largest eigenvalues.
R=eigenvectors(T, k=4)
The first eigenvector shows a sign change from the most stable region with \(\phi \leq 0\) to the \(\phi>0\) region. The slowest process corresponds to a transition between the two most stable states and the metastable regions with \(\phi>0\).
ev=R[:, 1].real
plotting.eigenvector(centers, ev, levels=np.linspace(ev.min(), ev.max(), 10))
The second eigenvector shows a sign change from \(\phi \leq 0\) to \(\phi>0\). The second slowest process is the transition between the low-probability region \(\phi>0\) and the high probability region \(\phi \leq 0\).
ev=R[:, 2].real
plotting.eigenvector(centers, ev, levels=np.linspace(ev.min(), ev.max(), 11), fmt='%.e')
The third eigenvector shows the transition process between the least probable meta-stable state and the rest of the accessible state space.
ev=R[:, 3].real
plotting.eigenvector(centers, ev, levels=np.linspace(ev.min(), ev.max(), 11), fmt='%.e')
Compute the 10 largest eigenvalues of the MSM
The first \(5\) eigenvalues are purely real. The remaining eigenvalues occur in complex-conjugate pairs. That is because \(T\) is a matrix with purely real entries.
array([ 1.00000000+0.j , 0.94808553+0.j ,
0.94092025+0.j , 0.66447475+0.j ,
0.38530146+0.j , 0.34550046+0.00929879j,
0.34550046-0.00929879j, 0.24977533+0.25204877j,
0.24977533-0.25204877j, 0.23257796+0.19019451j,
There is a distinct gap in the spectrum betwenn the third and the fourth eigenvalue.
Implied time scales¶
Implied time scales are computed via msm.analysis.timescales. The lagtime of the Markov model, \(\tau=6 ps\), can be specified via the optional keyword tau. The default value is tau=1.
ts=timescales(T, k=5, tau=6)
array([ inf, 112.54805277, 98.52720209, 14.67859726,
membership=pcca(T, 5)
PCCA gives accurate memberships for the high probability region. Assigning correct memberships for the low probability states, \(\phi>0\), is problematic.
plotting.pcca(centers, membership_crisp)
The pyemma.msm.analysis module can be used to analyse an estimated transition matrix. Starting from the transition matrix \(T\) It is possible to
- compute the stationary vector \(\pi\) to analyze the free-energy landscape given suitable (low-dimensional) coordinates
- compute the right eigenvectors to investigate slowest dynamical processes
- compute eigenvalues and time scales as quantitative information about system-dynamics
The pyemma.msm-API is designed to allow fast and flexible scripting of the whole estimation and analysis process. There is a multitude of functions for MSM analysis provided in the emma2.msm.analysis module. Further functions are
- checks for stochasticity, ergodicity, etc.
- commitor computation
- mean-first-passage time (mfpt) computations
- fingerprint: expectation and autocorrelation
- decompositions in eigenvalues, left, and right eigenvectors
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